Office Stuff


time sheets & more

how to: request time off

mileage reimbursement form

the DCM Mileage Form is in the DCM Template Gallery

Use this link to go straight to the DCM Template Gallery of Sheets
(fyi: here is the DCM Template Gallery of Docs)

how to: create a PO (payment order)

download tax exempt letters
State 2023-26, Federal, or Both

DCM desktop icons and network drives (such as MediaMouse, z-drive, etc.

how to: map a network drive

DCM onboarding for GEFS and HKS

Altru setup for DCM New Hire

DCM LOOK - visual identity guide

When creating anything for public consumption (EXTERNAL or INTERNAL) please consult the graphics team: Jaime, Nancy, Rebecca.


Black Baud status page (aka Altru down?)

DCM’s Altru

DCM’s Altru STAGING Database

how to use the Room Request Form

from your Guest Relations Team –

room reservations (in Altru)

This page is a tribute to the illustrator, Benji Davies

please send corrections, problems and ideas to Margaret Field - thanks